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Today was a bit of a bear at work.  Sometimes Mondays just go that way. I stepped in to find some misjudgments had been made over the weekend and it was my job to fix things.

One of the drivers at work is often saying “I’ve got another fire for you to put out.” Sometimes it feels like that is all I do, problem solve. I understand that as manager, solving problems is part of my job. But there are days that I think people are purposely screwing up just to drive me insane! Today, well, it was one of those days. I felt overwhelmed and underappreciated.

So there I was in my “am I the only around here who gives 100%?” attitude; being all snotty and annoyed at everything. I stayed that way for a good 45 minutes. What a waste! What a boob! I finally realized how silly I was being and shook off the Jonah-tude.

At lunch I drove to a close by park and just sat in my car. I returned a few phone calls, opened my Bible and read a few scriptures, took some deep breathes, did some praying and then returned to work.

The rest of the day was much better–surprise!!! Spending time in prayer usually gets my mind (and heart) back where it needs to be.

Being a Monday, my husband and I usually join a few others at church for corporate intercessory prayer. We gather, shoot the breeze for a bit, share our prayer needs and then hit our knees for however long we need. Tonight I shared (among other things) about my grumpy attitude at work. I told them (confessed) about how frustrated I was and that it was only after my lunch break that I felt better. And its probably important to note there was no lunch in my break, as I fast on Mondays. So its not like a PBJ and a bag of chips did the trick. No, it was the quiet time with the Lord.

While I was praying tonight I was seeking an answer for how to keep my mind, my heart right while at work.  I saw the folks who come in to the shop. Many are grieving-ordering funeral flowers. Many times the men who come in are burdened, uncertain of how to show their wives they care. Some are just angry that they “have” to buy their wife flowers for “her” anniversary. All the people who come in have something in them. I could sense God was challenging me to extract something from these folks. “Get something out of them they had not really intended on giving.” And, no, God was not telling me to upsale the customer and get more money from them. He was telling me to unburden them. Give them the chance to unload a trouble or even to share in a joy.

Then I got “extract the precious from the vile”. I knew I had read that in scripture before. When I got home I looked it up. Its in Jeremiah. I believe God was telling me to (a.) Listen to folks. Draw something out of them. And to (b.) look at folks. See how precious they are to Him.

This is a vile world. But to God, all people are precious. Just as I hope He considers me precious enough to extract me from this world, He wants me to see others just as precious.

So tomorrow my goal is to draw out something from each customer who comes in; to listen intently and to see all as precious. Pray for me.

February 1, 2010


April 2024